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  • Prevent Hair Loss! 5 Key Food Sources You Need (Vegan and Animal Options)

Prevent Hair Loss! 5 Key Food Sources You Need (Vegan and Animal Options)

Prevent Hair Loss! 5 Key Food Sources You Need (Vegan and Animal Options)_AROMASE scalp care (1)


Discover the key to promoting healthy hair growth and preventing thinning or hair loss. Your scalp, the powerhouse behind your crowning glory, thrives on a balanced diet rich in essential vitamins. Here’s the ultimate breakdown of the top 5 scalp-loving vitamins for luscious locks:

Vitamin A: Balances Scalp Oil Secretion
  • Vegan Sources: Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, spinach, lettuce, zucchini, water spinach.
  • Animal Sources: Milk, eggs, yogurt.

AROMASE_Top 5 Vitamins for Optimal Scalp Health & Luscious Locks_Vitamin A

Vitamin B7: Enhances Scalp Metabolism and Biotin
  • Benefits: Enhances scalp metabolism and promotes hair health, especially biotin.
  • Vegan Sources: Whole grains, almonds, dark green vegetables, chickpeas.
  • Animal Sources: Chicken, fish, seafood.

AROMASE_Top 5 Vitamins for Optimal Scalp Health & Luscious Locks _Vitamin B7


Vitamin C: Antioxidant and Iron Absorption
  • Benefits: Provides antioxidant protection for the scalp and aids iron absorption.
  • Vegan Sources: Strawberries, guava, oranges, kiwifruit, grapefruit, cherry tomatoes, berries, zucchini, okra, sweet peppers.

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Vitamin D: Boost Hair Volume and Strengthen Hair Roots
  • Benefits: Protects the scalp, increases hair volume, and strengthens hair roots.
  • Vegan Sources: Sun-dried mushrooms, fortified cereals.
  • Animal Sources: Salmon, mackerel, saury, fortified milk
  • Other Sources: Sun exposure, please wear hats to protect your scalp. ( NIH Suggestion: Sun exposure to the face, arms, hands, and legs for 5 to 30 minutes at least twice a week. )

AROMASE_Top 5 Vitamins for Optimal Scalp Health & Luscious Locks _Vitamin D


Vitamin E: Regulates Scalp Oil Production and Fortifies Hair Roots
  • Benefits: Regulates scalp oil production and fortifies hair roots.
  • Food Sources: Almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, avocado oil.

AROMASE_Top 5 Vitamins for Optimal Scalp Health & Luscious Locks_Vitamin E


Tips for a Healthy Scalp and Hair Growth
  • Adopt Proper Hair Washing Methods (Shampoo Use and Frequency) :
    Use the right shampoo for your scalp type and avoid overwashing. Not sure what your scalp type is? Take Scalp Quiz
  • Avoid Harsh Chemicals:
    Stay away from products that contain harsh chemicals that can damage your scalp and hair. Frequent harsh chemicals found in shampoo formulas include Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLES), and Parabens, among others.
  • Protect from Sun and Heat:
    Shield your scalp from excessive sun exposure and heat styling tools.
  • Sleep and Stress Management:
    Ensure enough sleep and manage stress effectively to support scalp health. NIH Suggestion: Experts recommend that adults sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night.

By incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into your diet and following these scalp care tips, you can nourish your scalp and promote healthy hair growth.

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