Hair Loss Caused by Air Pollution : How to take care of your scalp?

There are several reasons for hair loss, such as genetic inheritance (androgenic alopecia), alopecia areata, postpartum hair loss, telogen effluvium, scalp inflammation/infection, endocrine diseases, autoimmune diseases, drug, diet, and lifestyle. Recently the effects of air pollution on the scalp and hair have raised awareness among many people.


How air pollution irritates our skin

Any form of pollution, whether it is solid particles, liquid droplets, or gaseous molecules, has the potential to cause irritation and harm to the skin, as well as damage to health by skin absorption. Several studies had indicated that, micro-particles that are smaller than 3mm can penetrate the pores of skin or epidermis; PM 2.5 can penetrate the skin, inducing the inflammatory cascade. Air pollutants can damage the skin’s lipid, protein, and DNA via oxidation, which causes aging, allergy, and inflammation of skin.



Long-term exposure will cause chronic inflammation of the hair follicle

Exposure to pollutants will result in erythema, irritation, and scaling of the outermost layer of the scalp. Long-term exposure will cause chronic inflammation of the hair follicle or even fibrosis or permanent hair loss. The scalp tissue section shows signs of inflammation and clustering of macrophages if the scalp is exposed to the pollutants. Air pollutants can be easily accumulated on the scalp and hair. The concentration of particulate matter and heavy metals detected on the hair and scalp is 1.5 folds and 2 folds greater than that of the air, respectively.

Air pollution linked to hair loss, new research reveals

A recent study had shown that air pollution is one of the main reasons for hair loss. In the study, the researchers exposed the human follicle dermal papilla cells under PM10 and diesel particulate for 24 hours. It was discovered that the level of beta-catenin, which was responsible for hair growth and preservation had dropped. Furthermore, there was also a decrease in the levels of Cyclin D, E and CDK2. The greater the concentration of the pollutant, the higher the reduction in the relevant proteins.

How to maintain a healthy scalp?

Glycyrrhetinic acid, which is the main ingredient of AROMASE MediPRO scalp care series, has excellent efficacy in solving itching, scaling, and inflammation of scalp. The MediPro Golden ratio formula with Glycyrrhetinic acid complex, Sodium Usnate which is ECOCERT certificated, and Vitamin B3 &B5. is an anti-inflammatory active substance that can be a substitution for steroid. It can stabilize skin and soothe the redness and inflammation of scalp.

In a normal scalp, the corneocytes in the stratum corneum pack closely next to one another, forming a natural barrier. This can effectively regulate the water level inside the scalp, as well as protecting scalp from external physical and chemical irritants. The corneocytes will undergo natural metabolism and peels off eventually.

However, if the metabolic rate is too rapid or the cell maturation is incomplete, then excessive old corneocytes will accumulate over the surface, resulting in clogged pores, excessive proliferation of pityrosporion ovale, and other problems that cause scalp inflammation. Furthermore, these abnormal proliferation and differentiation of corneocytes will continuously peel off as flaky dandruff, as well as causing itchy scalp, redness, and other problems. MediPRO can solve these problems by softening stratum corneum, reducing abnormal proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes, as well as improving dandruff, folliculitis, and scalp inflammation. The clinical study showed that 5 weeks of administration of MediPRO can improve the scalp scaling of psoriasis patients. It also significantly improved the Dermatology Life Quality Index of moderate to severe psoriasis patients.

MediPRO has also passed Taiwan’s SGS certification. It can eliminate >99.99% of pityrosporion ovale (Malassezia furfur). Hence, AROMASE MediPRO is my choice to improve scalp psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and folliculitis.



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