How B Beauty Navigator Helps You and Companies Make Sustainable Choices

The Coalition members cooperated – guided by the principle of interdependence – through dedicated working groups on packaging, logistics, and ingredients areas, to improve the sustainability standards of the beauty industry.

What is B beauty Navigator

The B Corp Beauty Coalition has introduced the B Beauty Navigator, a tool that aims to promote sustainability in the beauty industry by sharing best practices and useful information on packaging, logistics, and ingredient sourcing. The tool is an open-source and freely accessible library of impartial advice and guidance to help beauty companies and individuals make informed decisions and debunk greenwashing claims.

To achieve this, the Coalition established three working groups in 2022, focusing on packaging, logistics, and ingredients, to collectively raise sustainability standards across the industry. The B Beauty Navigator is the first output of these groups, and it includes guidance and best practices on sustainable packaging, logistics, and ingredient sourcing.


Packaging Evaluation Guide

This provides a glossary of packaging-related concepts and offers guidance on the best and worst sustainable business practices. The Sustainability Certifications and Standards library helps companies navigate the latest standards and certifications released by non-profit and for-profit organizations, while the Plastic Packaging Mapping database assesses the impact of plastic types widely used in the industry.


Greener Logistics Guide

This is a checklist that helps companies and suppliers monitor, track, and improve the environmental impact of their operations based on B Corp criteria.


Ingredient Sourcing

The product development process would be guided by Ingredient Sourcing through sourcing ingredients. The outcomes of the Ingredient Sourcing working group are under evaluation, and to be published soon.

All the content on the B Beauty Navigator is available on the B Corp Beauty Coalition’s website and is open to companies committed to cooperation, prioritizing, and improving their own sustainability credentials while sharing best practices for the greater good of the industry.


How does AROMASE achieve B beauty?

AROMASE meets high standards of Cradle to Cradle and receives the silver badge of environmental and social performance, such as using safe and renewable materials, reducing water and energy use, and supporting local communities. Read more 

AROMASE’s goal is to help more brands embrace sustainable beauty. We are honored to join the B Corp Beauty Coalition and to support the B Beauty Navigator. Learn more about B beauty


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