Youths are our future leader and hence we are here to guide them to become green professional leaders to Malaysia and the world.
AROMASE supported the Eco-Schools Program by providing environmental education to school children, helping them understand the value of nature and how they can protect it. AROMASE is committed to making a difference in the community and promoting awareness of the importance of sustainability.
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To start from small steps, Taiwan Excellence has distributed some biodegradable seedling bags and compostable straws to one of the eco-schools, SMK Dato’ Abdul Rahman Yaakub. AROMASE provides environmental education to school children in a few ways. We offer products to understand the pH value related to healthy shampoo and share about how natural ingredients balance our needs and the environment.
There are many benefits to environmental education for school children. Firstly, it helps children learn about the environment and how they fit into it. This can help them develop a better understanding of the world around them and how their actions can impact the environment. Secondly, it helps children learn about important environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, and deforestation. This can help them become more aware of these issues and how they can help address them. Lastly, environmental education can help children develop important skills such as critical thinking, problem solving, and teamwork. These skills can be beneficial in many areas of life, not just in relation to the environment. Overall, environmental education provides many benefits for school children and is an important part of their education.
Some of the key benefits include learning about the environment and how they fit into it, learning about important environmental issues, and developing important skills. Environmental education is an important part of a child’s education and provides many benefits that will help them in their future.
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