AROMASE was surprised worldwide beauty care market and created awareness of scalp care.
Biskom: Taiwan Excellence Menganalisa Rahasia Merawat Kulit Asia
Media Profesi: Kejar Peluang Bisnis Kecantikan, Taiwan Excellence Menganalisa Rahasia Merawat Kulit Asia
Obsession News: Kejar Peluang Bisnis Kecantikan, Taiwan Excellence Analisis Rahasia Merawat Kulit Asia
Bening Post Kejar Peluang Bisnis Kecantikan, Taiwan Excellence Menganalisa Rahasia Merawat Kulit Asia
Jurnal Babel: Mengejar Peluang Bisnis Kecantikan, Taiwan Excellence Menganalisa Rahasia Merawat Kulit Asia
Megapolitan Pos: Industri Produk Kecantikan dan Perawatan Kulit Taiwan Jajaki Peluang Bisnis di Indonesia
Neraca: Taiwan Jajaki Peluang Bisnis Produk Kecantikan dan Perawatan Kulit di Indonesia
Rotasi: Jajaki Peluang Bisnis di Indonesia, Taiwan Tawarkan Produk Kecantikan dan Perawatan Kulit
AROMASE is targeted at both the medical market and consumer market, from hospitals, clinics to beauty chains and sports centers. The company has invested in scalp research and worked with over 500 hospitals and dermatology clinics worldwide to create the AROMASE 5α Juniper Scalp Purifying Liquid Shampoo. The shampoo is an all-herbal and medicine-free scalp shampoo designed to solve all scalp problems.
Over 100 dermatologists have endorsed Aromase’s shampoo to their patients who face severe dermatitis and psoriasis diseases as the product can effectively reduce inflammation and itchiness. Not only it was awarded by Taiwan Excellence, it was also the first scalp care product to achieve the “Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Bronze Certification” in Asia.
With its sales channel covering over 20 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Germany, US and more, AROMASE has sold over 2.5 million bottles and received testimonies from over 50,000 users. The company’s products can be found in department stores, pharmacies and e-commerce platforms around the world.
“Sampo Aromase ini adalah solusi yang sangat alami untuk masalah kulit kepala Anda. Aman untuk semua orang termasuk wanita hamil. Bagaimanapun, setiap orang dan wanita hamil itu unik. Jika anda memiliki kekhawatiran, sebaiknya konsultasikan ke dokter,” kata Deputy General Manager AROMASE, Mimi Chien dalam webinar tersebut.
Selain memenangkan Taiwan Excellence Award, produk ini merupakan produk tata rambut pertama di Asia yang telah memenangkan sertifikasi internasional Cradle to Cradle. Produk ini dijual di lebih dari 20 negara di seluruh dunia, termasuk Singapura, Malaysia, Filipina, Korea Selatan, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, dan lain-lain. Lokasi penjualan meliputi department store, toko kecantikan, toko obat, dan e-commerce.
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