AROMASE is recognized by SEAL Awards Sustainable Innovation Award

AROMASE is recognized by the “SEAL Awards Sustainable Innovation Award” and ranked among the world’s most sustainable innovation brands.

AROMASE goes on a long road of Sustainability

Sustainability is a long road, and AROMASE is never lonely on this road. We are very grateful for the support of many good partners in the implementation of ESG. From gradually changing the packaging materials to recycle materials, to increase the recycling rate, encourage customers to use re-usable boxes instead of cartons for transportation, reduce one-time waste.


Set up a reminder of environmental awareness

Calling the environmental awareness of forest conservation through the clean mountain events and forest education and sign three-year cooperation with the Taipei Government to conserve the original 3 species, water, and soil conservation for the purpose of planting forest land. Committing to net-zero carbon emissions for green electricity planning and inviting partners to join the action to exercise an influence over for being better for the world.


Together, we can make different

Thanks to all the support of AROMASE’s fans which is an energy of recharging. In 2021, AROMASE had gone through the epidemic and fulfilled the commitment to do the better things for the world, we are willing to stand at the forefront to connect everyone’s goodwill and be the responsible one, insisting on the spiritual mission of caring for the health of the scalp and protecting our mother earth.


Learn more about SEAL Awards

SEAL Awards (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement and Leadership) is an international environmental protection organization that advocates environmental sustainability. SEAL Awards believes that environmental progress requires real leadership and a commitment to the world’s sustainable innovation and development, and these sustainable actions are worthwhile recognition and support.

“SEAL Sustainable Innovation Award” This award commends the willingness to change the current situation, propose innovative solutions that are friendly to the world, and bring these ideas into human life to improve the current situation and a sustainable future.

Learn more about the SEAL Awards



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