How to Get Rid of Dandruff: Tips for Oily Dandruff & Dry Dandruff

Dandruff is a common scalp condition that causes white flakes of skin to appear on your hair and shoulders. It can be annoying and embarrassing, especially during summer when you want to enjoy the sun and breeze. But what causes dandruff and how to get rid of dandruff?


Two main types of dandruff: oily dandruff and dry dandruff.

Oily dandruff is caused by excessive production of fungus, resulting in the overgrowth of sebum on the scalp. Sebum can build up on your scalp and create a favorable environment for a yeast-like fungus called Malassezia, which feeds on the oil and irritates your scalp. This leads to inflammation, itching, and flaking of the scalp.


Dry dandruff is caused by a lack of moisture in your scalp, which can result from dry weather, frequent washing, harsh shampoos, or skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Dry dandruff flakes are smaller and lighter than oily dandruff flakes, and they tend to fall off easily from your hair.


The good news is that both types of dandruff can be treated with proper scalp care. Here are some tips to help you get rid of dandruff and keep your scalp healthy this summer:

1. Shampoo regularly with a gentle shampoo that suits your scalp condition.

Oily dandruff: Shampoo once every day.
Consider using a shampoo infused with ingredients like ginger, tea tree, or peppermint. These can potentially alleviate scalp fungus and reduce itchiness. Anti-oily dandruff shampoo 

Dry dandruff: Shampoo once every 3 days or less.
Choose a shampoo with nourishing ingredients such as Aloe Barbadensis, Commiphora myrrha, and Glycyrrhetinic acid complex. These ingredients work wonders in moisturizing and soothing scalp dryness and itchiness, promoting healthy hair and overall comfort. Anti-dry dandruff shampoo 


2. Regularly deep cleansing the scalp to remove excess buildup

Frequency of scalp deep cleansing (Scalp detoxing)

Oily dandruff: 1-2 times every week

Dry dandruff: once every 2 weeks

To protect your sensitive scalp, it is recommended to avoid using scalp exfoliators that have scrub or clay textures. Instead, opt for a gentle option like a liquid scalp deep cleanser. This will help to maintain the health of your scalp without causing any irritation.


3. Thoroughly rinse your hair and gently dry it after shampooing

Avoiding hot water and high-temperature blow drying. While fungal infections thrive in humid environments, this tip is relevant for all scalp types and crucial for preventing fungal growth. Opt for a hairdryer that emits cool to warm air instead of hot air for healthier hair care.


4. Avoid scratching your scalp, as this can worsen the inflammation and flaking.

Do not scratch your scalp! Continuously scratching your scalp can lead to open wounds and make it susceptible to fungal infections. If you experience itchiness, consider soothing your scalp with scalp spray.


5. Control stress levels; it might cause dandruff.

“Discover the serenity within.”  Manage your stress levels, as stress can trigger dandruff by affecting your hormone balance and immune system. In today’s social media era, effectively managing stress levels can be quite challenging. Try some relaxation techniques like meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, or listening to music to cope with stress. Here is the music playlist for calming your streets.


6. Eat a balanced diet.

Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial, but meal prep can be challenging. Let’s incorporate one nutritious food daily, making progress towards a healthier lifestyle.

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, lean proteins, and healthy fats. These foods can provide essential nutrients for your hair and scalp health, such as vitamins A, B-complex, C, E, zinc, selenium, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants.

Avoid foods that are high in sugar, salt, fat, or processed ingredients, as they can increase inflammation and sebum production in your body.


Dandruff is not a serious condition but it can affect your quality of life. By following these simple tips for summer scalp care for dandruff, you can enjoy a flake-free and healthy scalp all season long.


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