How to Switch Up Your Scalp Care Routine in Winter | Tips for oily scalp & dry scalp

What Causes Winter Scalp?

The air can become much drier during the winter due to colder temperatures and lower humidity levels. This lack of moisture in the air can lead to dry skin and hair, including your scalp. The cold weather can strip away natural oils that keep your scalp healthy and hydrated, leading to itchy, flaky, irritated skin. Additionally, indoor heating systems can contribute further to drying out your scalp.

When temperatures drop outside, most people turn up their thermostats indoors; this causes heated dry air to circulate throughout homes and offices, creating an even drier environment on your skin and scalp.

This is a dry scalp with dandruff that looks like


The Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated is key to keeping your scalp healthy during the winter months. When your scalp is properly hydrated, it will be better able to resist damage from the cold, dry air outdoors and indoors. A well-hydrated scalp is less likely to experience itchiness, flaking or irritation. Additionally, a properly hydrated scalp helps promote hair growth. By protecting itself from drying out, your scalp can help bring nutrients and oxygen to your hair follicles more easily and efficiently. This in turn encourages stronger, healthier hair growth overall.


Oily scalp care for wintertime: You might shampoo less

You might come out with the question
” Is it possible to have oily hair and dry dandruff at the same time? ”
Yes, it is possible. This might happen a lot in winter time if you over wash your scalp.

During the colder months, air can deplete moisture from your scalp and reduce sweat. For those with naturally oily scalps, this may result in less grease production; however, to maintain a healthier scalp that is hydrated and functioning optimally, you should

  • Shampoo less frequently
    During ordinary weather, it’s recommended people who have oily scalp shampoo their hair daily.
    However, in colder months it may be better for your locks to wash only every one or two days.
  • Replenish the loss of moisture using leave-in spray.
    Leave-in spray can help to keep the scalp hydrated and balanced scalp oil secretion.
    Check the scalp spray for oily scalp

Dry scalp care for wintertime: Staying hydrated is a surefire way to prevent scalp itchiness and flaky

Especially for those who have a neutral scalp or dry scalp, the 3 steps Dry scalp treatment is specifically formulated to protect, hydrate and nourish your scalp.  The anti-sensitive shampoo is infused with Commiphora Myrrha which maintains a healthy scalp’s ecosystem. Free of harsh chemicals that can strip hair of its natural oils and irritate the skin, while herbal scalp sprays can provide extra hydration and help reduce itchiness and flaking. By choosing products that are kinder to your scalp, you’ll be helping it stay healthy all season long!

( Not sure your scalp type? Take Scalp Quiz)


Avoid Shampooing with Very Hot Water

Although showering with hot water in winter can be amazingly relaxing and comforting, shampooing your hair with very hot water is not advisable. Extreme heat can strip away natural oils from your scalp, leaving it dry and prone to irritation. Instead, opt for lukewarm or cool water when washing your hair, as this will preserve natural oils while still cleaning it effectively. After rinsing out the shampoo, you can finish up by rinsing with cold water to stimulate blood circulation and help close the pores on the scalp. Doing so will help to keep your scalp healthy and hydrated all through the winter months!


Cover Up When Going Outside

Covering up when going outside in winter is an essential step for keeping your scalp healthy and free from damage. Cold weather and windy conditions can cause dryness and flakiness to the scalp, which can lead to itching, dandruff and even hair loss. To prevent this, make sure to wear a hat that covers your scalp with a wide brim to block out the sun’s UV rays and keep the heat in. Additionally, look for hats made with material that wicks away moisture, such as wool or synthetic fabrics. Investing in hats specifically designed for cold weather can also help keep your scalp safe from harm. With just a few extra steps, you can protect your scalp during winter months!


Keeping your scalp hydrated during cold winter months is a must for maintaining healthy hair and avoiding irritation or damage. Start by avoiding harsh shampoos, as these can strip away natural oils and make the scalp more prone to dryness. Make sure to cover up when going outside that will protect the scalp from wind, sun and snowflakes. Also remember to use the right products on your hair such as deep conditioners, leave-in treatments and oil-based moisturizers. With just a few easy steps, you can keep your scalp hydrated throughout the winter season!


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